
Survey addressed to residents of Manoir des Trembles

In 2024, the Ligue des Voisins du Manoir des Trembres (LVMDT) turns 10!

Founded in 2014, the neighborhood association aims to “make MDT a neighborhood that is dynamic, greener, and healthier, while working on improving the quality of life for all residents.”

To better understand the current concerns and priorities of MDT residents, we would like to ask you a few questions. Your answers will guide the LVMDT future decisions and help better reflect your needs and area of interest when representing the MDT.
General questions
When thinking about the neighborhood, which qualities best describe it? 
Please choose 2 qualities that resonate most with you.
Which challenges below are of concern to you in our neighborhood?
Please choose 3.
Safety for pedestrians
What do you believe to be the biggest concerns for pedestrians in the MDT, and in particular for our more vulnerable population (children, older citizens, etc)?
Please choose all that apply.
Would you like to tell us more about specific unsafe locations for pedestrians and cyclists in the MDT? 
Public transport
How would you rate access to public transport (STO buses) in our neighborhood? How does it respond to your needs?
Please choose one answer.
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